Pia Stockfleth Pia Stockfleth

Courage = Clarity is Quality.

In our endeavour to quantify courage in audits, we have identified what we call patient 0 for complex, unclear and nonsensical text-based communication and information.

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Pia Stockfleth Pia Stockfleth

AI Narratives as Relatable Mirrors.

In this post I will explore the concept of AI as a narrative and how it can link to its audience by portraying a relatable and recognisable truth.

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Pia Stockfleth Pia Stockfleth

Human Behaviour is a Risky Business.

I have been learning about risk as an introduction to finance, the markets and different financial instruments. Ultimately, this learning is about human behaviour.

When is human behaviour a risky business?

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Pia Stockfleth Pia Stockfleth

Standard Quality as Courage.

I have come back to my original foundation of linguistics. It was comparative linguistics that taught me how to be analytical in a systematic way and it was linguistic psychology that taught me to always understand information within its broader context.

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Pia Stockfleth Pia Stockfleth

Is Asking for Help Courageous?

Do we mostly find our courage when we have to fight for survival? What does courage entail and is there a cost to being courageous?

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Pia Stockfleth Pia Stockfleth

Mirror Markets

What if reality consists of dynamic mirrors or mirroring that reflect a possible past and project a potential future? Essentially, what if information or data can organize itself in groups to mirror another group?

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